God's Gifts Are Opened As We Choose To Serve

The surface traits of God's teachers are not at all alike. They do not look alike to the body's eyes, they come from vastly different backgrounds, their experiences of the world vary greatly, and their superficial "personalities" are quite distinct. Nor, at the beginning stages of their functioning as teachers of God, have they as yet acquired the deeper characteristics that will establish them as what they are. God gives special gifts to His teachers, because they have a special role in His plan for Atonement. These special gifts, born in the holy relationship toward which the teaching-learning situation is geared, become characteristic of all teachers of God who have advanced in their own learning. In this respect they are all alike.

Each month our Holy Spirit gives a message which helps individuals open spiritually and understand the teaching of Jesus Christ. To read the latest message click on:
Monthly message

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

My friend has spent quite a bit of time in a Christian church. One thing that I have learned from him is that God's definition of justice is impartial. Impartiality helps unify justice for all. I like that you guys really drive that point home.