Will Kidnappers Kill Christian Activists in Iraq?

Our Holy Spirit answers:

Dear ones, these activists chose their own death when they made the decision to wage their brand of war against the Iraq Rebuilding. Their kind of activism is not the way to bring about peace in your world. To teach peace to your world, they would have had to dwell in the experience inner peace. These activists have been at war in their own minds, and thereby teach war to the world. They call themselves Christians, but they have not been teaching My Peace.

Christian activists


Christian Prophet said...

Hi Reni!

I don't see that it has anything to do with politics. Jesus is saying these dear ones did not choose peace inside themselves, therefore they were not teaching peace to the world.

Jesus is teaching that it doesn't do any good to SAY you are dedicated to peace. You have to choose total peace inside yourself, because you teach what you are.

Christian Prophet said...

Hi Reni!

Jesus DOES know the hearts of all. Jesus also knows what is necessary to create true peace over the entire earth. When Jesus says these dear ones, who obviously had good intentions, were really creating only chaos, I believe Him, since I personally wouldn't have any way of knowing, as you point out.

Again, I know nothing, but I suspect what you call pacifism is not what Jesus would call pacifism. Maybe a message will come through on pacifism.

It does seem that Jesus is far above politics. His messages sometimes sound a little liberal, sometimes a little conservative, and often very different than liberal or conservative, in fact very different than one hears on earth. But Jesus has said he will use all political parties if they will allow Him.

As for you, Reni, you have a very beautiful heart. Even I can see that and, as you imply, I'm not even seeing everything.

Christian Prophet said...

Hi Reni!

Thank you for being in touch with your deep desire to live in a totally peaceful world. That is my desire also, so we are allies. I guess the question is how does a world of total peace get created.

Thank you also for not pulling out your troops (speaking metaphorically) when the communication is not going smoothly.

You are absolutely correct. I am a man. Like you, I am human and therefore can only see surface appearances and have no way to judge what is really going on. Like you, I have no idea what is in the minds of activists. Like you, I have no idea what anything is really for.

I love these messages from Jesus because they give me glimpses into a vastly expanded viewpoint far beyond any viewpoint I could ever see. They hint at solutions and conclusions I never could have come up with using my limited human perception.

If Jesus says something that seems to go against one of my cherished beliefs, I don't argue that my little human perception knows more than his heavenly viewpoint. I simply say something like, "Oops! I guess I've got more to learn."