Paramount Buys DreamWorks in Billion-Dollar Deal

Our Holy Spirit speaks:

All kinds of excuses have been offered for the troubles of your motion picture industry ... except one: content.

Believe it or not, film viewers want to be inspired. They want to see a world of heroism, identify with heros, and feel what it feels like to be a hero. They also want to see beauty, joy, happiness, and deep spiritual connection.

Movie watchers are tired of purposeless violence, sex, portrayals of confusion and suffering, ugliness, leftist agendas, and most of all ... lack of truely meaningful spiritual connection.

Movie producers who try to be intellectually cute or speak to man's intellect disconnected from his spirit will fall flat. Those who stay attuned to My Voice will prosper.

Story link/Inspirational site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, but Great Spirit...

This is Dreamworks that got sold.
You know, All-Seeing One; the house that produced "Saving Private Ryan", "Band of Brothers", "Gladiator", "Seabisquit", "Amistadt" (please proof my spelling, All-Knowing One), and all the feel-good, beat-the-bad guy cartoons like "Shrek", "Toy Story" and "Chicken Run".

Surely you see how this does not fit with your Encompassing Premise that "people want bravery, etc."

However, Dreamworks did sin and deserved its chastisement. For every movie like "Private Ryan", it produced movies like "The Love Letter" a dozen-fold. And according to the trades, none of the partners really liked being a businessman, as they all wanted to be movie-makers.

If Dimension films was to fold, oh Musician of the Spheres, your world would be Righteous.